We see in this week’s פרשה that קרח took 250 people and complained to משה and אהרון He went over to Moshe and asked him questions that didn’t have much rational to them. For example, he asked Moshe what the הלכה was if someone had a begged of תכילית, does it need any strings on it or not? Moshe replied that it did need strings! So קרח went and asked the people, how it is possible if a regular begged that has only one string of תכילית is kosher, (bc the blue reminds you of the sea, which reminds you of the sky which reminds you of the “כיסה הכהבוד”) but a whole begged which is all תכילית isn’t good enough? He also asked Moshe if a tent filled with many תורות needed a מזוזה or not, since there aren’t just the פרשיות of שמע that would be protecting them but all the words of the torah would be! קרח was trying to find ways to make בני ישראל think that which משה was saying ה' commanded them to do was wrong, and make it seem like משה was just like everyone else. He told Moshe that “כל העדה כולם קדושים” that everyone one of the בני ישראל was holy since they all crossed the ים סוף, were in the dessert for 49 days waiting for the תורה , heard ה' tell over some of the מצוות , and were able to eat מן , so why were משה and אהרון in charge all of בני ישראל!? We know משה responded by falling on his face and רשי tells us that he was so upset because he already argued for בני ישראל three times and he didn’t think that ה' would save them again.
Something that we can learn from this portion is that there are things in Judaism that aren’t always common sense, and even if we think we know the reason and it just doesn’t sound logical, we should remind ourselves that the holy רבנן only told us reasons which we would comprehend and understand, since there are such deeper levels for every מצוה that we do. And by us doing them without totally understanding the reason why, were showing ה' that were serving him לשמה and were doing it not because we like it or it makes sense, but because ה' said so and whatever he says must be for the good. We should all be מצליח in everything we do and serve ה' with true יראה and אהבה , and through doing all the לשמה מצוות we should bring about the בית המקדש בנין . Have an Awesome שבת.