After an amazing kick off Shabbos Kodesh in upstate Beaver Lake, I've decided to make a blog to update the Chevra about future get togethers.I hope that we can get together AT LEAST once a month. Whether be for a Shabbos, or a Shalosh Seudos, Melalve Malka or even a Rosh Chodesh Farbrengen....feel free to email me or to post ideas!! JakeSberman@gmail.com
Kol Tuv.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


UPDATE:Probably closer to 11:00 PM:::בע"ה there will be a pre-Rosh Hashana פארברענגן Sunday night at the pomerantz/rapps/ackerman/fuchs pad----apartment 5C-- appx 11 PM
there will hopefully be some snacks. Bring your guitars and other stuff like that...D'Vrei Torah and Chizuk from Doron Greenspan

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