After an amazing kick off Shabbos Kodesh in upstate Beaver Lake, I've decided to make a blog to update the Chevra about future get togethers.I hope that we can get together AT LEAST once a month. Whether be for a Shabbos, or a Shalosh Seudos, Melalve Malka or even a Rosh Chodesh Farbrengen....feel free to email me or to post ideas!! JakeSberman@gmail.com
Kol Tuv.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Divrei Chizuk and Torah from Reb Yehuda Binyamin (Huji) Alter: Parshas Balak

Until this weeks parsha there seemed to be a justifiable reason for each time Hashem was angered. Hashem told Moshe to talk to the rock and he hit the rock instead, Hashem said not to worship other gods and Bnei Yisrael made the golden calf.
What is so strange about Parshat Balak is that Hashem seems to be angered by the transgression of that which he permitted. It says in perek Chuf Beis, Pusuk Chuf, “Hashem came to Balaam at night and said to him, ‘If the man came to summon you, arise and go with them’………” In the next pasuk Balaam goes with them, as he was summoned. And in the next pasuk Hashem is angry at Balaam for going with them. The obvious question is, why is Hashem angry that Balaam went? Hashem just said Balaam could go 10 minutes beforehand. (rough estimate)
In my humble opinion, I believe the message being given here is that anyone can technically do whatever they want. It is free will that separates those that are interested in Hashems’ will, and those that are interested in their own desires. This is why Rashi commented that Hashem was angered because Balaam saw that the trip was evil In Hashems’ eyes, yet he longed to go. Hashem informed Balaam that he has the free will to make the trip if HE desires, just as I have the free will to eat a cheeseburger if I desire. The fact the Balaam had the choice not to go, yet went anyway is what angered Hashem.
In life, we all have choices. We can do good or we can do evil. We have the free will to choose whether or not to live our lives in the way that Hashem has commanded us to. We can all learn a great lesson from Balaam to live as Avdei Hashem, and not through desire and greed. May we all be Zocheh to live our lives with pure intentions and to serve the Rebono Shel Olam with love. Have a wonderful Shabbos!

1 comment:

  1. Shkoyach Huji, very nice, Thanks for finally sending it in!!
